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New Webinar: A Manager's Guide to Navigating Grief at Work

Grief is the price we pay for love, and it’s a high price – but it can be made easier by a compassionate manager who is aware of the needs of their staff and what the law offers to make hard times a little more bearable. That’s what this second webinar in our series will cover on Wednesday 16th October @ 1230 – what a manager should do to make work a supportive environment; what policies you need to be using; what the law says around leave and rights; and the potential liabilities and sanctions you could be inviting if you don’t stick to best practice. Click here to sign up now. 
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5 Minutes With... Bereavement Expert and Associate Helen McMenamin

We sat down with bereavement expert and new Thornfields Associate Helen McMenamin to discover how her experiences have shaped the person she is today, and how she helps others to manage grief in the workplace. 
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Would You Know How To Manage Grief in Your Workplace?

Have you ever thought about how a deeply human experience like grief can profoundly impact our workplace environment?