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Helping Your Organisation Get CQC-Ready With FPM Core Compliance Software

Being CQC inspection-ready is essential for any healthcare provider committed to delivering high-quality care. Meeting the Care Quality Commission's (CQC) standards for safety, effectiveness, responsiveness, care, and leadership demonstrates compliance with regulatory requirements and dedication to patient well-being. This blog explores how our compliance software - FPM Core - can help your organisation achieve and maintain CQC readiness.
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Back to Practice - My Amazing Story: Part 2

We heard in our last article about our anonymous returning Practice Manger's first week back in GP land. In this second part, she answers questions about the journey she has been on (and is still making!) and offers her hints and tips for staying sane.
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How We Coach Our Associates - 5 Minutes with Anita Hampson

At Thornfields, we ensure our Trainers get personalised one-to-one coaching so they are fully onboard with what we’re trying to achieve through our market-leading ILM courses. We sat down with Thornfields ILM Associate Trainer Anita Hampson, who told us how she became a trainer, and how the process was for her.
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Interview with Sustainability Expert Dr Matt Sawyer

On July 10th Thornfields will hold its first Sustainability webinar led by expert and GP Dr Matthew Sawyer. A helpful overview of some of the issues we will cover was published by Victoria Vaughan in Healthcare Leader earlier this year.
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Back Into Practice: My Inspirational Story

Thornfield's Charan Sarai recently met with a former PM and friend who had left general practice and was now returning. in this first part of our 3-part series, we learn how she is getting on, and what her main hopes and fears are for the future.

5 Minutes with Thornfields ILM Trainer Mark Donaldson

We sat down with one of Thornfield's much-loved trainers, Mark Donaldson, for a chat about how he came to do his current role, what tips he would like to share, and who he wants to say thank you to.

New Webinar - How Sustainability Can Save Money & Lives in Your Organisation

Thornfields are running a new free 1-hour webinar and discussion on how Sustainability can save money and lives in primary care - and help satisfy the CQC's quality statements - on Wednesday 10th July @ 12.30pm.  
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Health Benefits of Being Outside: The Power Behind The Colour Green

Sometimes when life gets too much, and you can’t see a way through, just getting outside and having a break has enormous benefits. I’m sure many of us just need some time away from the computer! Being outdoors and taking that break can offer many benefits for our mental and physical wellbeing.
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Tackling Access: How to Deal Effectively (and Safely) With Patient Demand

Did you see the NHS’s new guide on How to Align Capacity with Demand in General Practice, published May 8th? If not, you can find the link here. 
Multi Tasking

Building Efficiency & Patient Care: A Guide to Multi-Skilling Your Staff

In today's dynamic healthcare environment, multi-skilling your primary care staff is a powerful strategy to enhance their capabilities, optimise operations, and ultimately deliver top-notch patient care. By broadening the skill sets of your team, you create a more versatile workforce capable of handling diverse responsibilities.

Thornfields Government-Funded Apprenticeships: new Q&A session

We're running a Question and Answer session about our government-funded Apprenticeships, with our partner Cherith Simmons on 5th June at 11am. Why not sign up and chat to us about how you can benefit from them too?

5 Reasons to Invest in Practice Staff Training and Resilience

Investing in continuing professional development (CPD) for your GP Practice staff isn't just a perk, it's a strategic investment. As well as boosting staff morale, training offers a multitude of benefits for your practice, ultimately leading to improved patient care and a thriving healthcare environment. Here are five key reasons why investing in GP staff training is crucial for success:
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The closest thing we have to a wonder drug...

You may be wondering what it is…? Dr Thomas Frieden, a former director at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says it’s WALKING - and April 3rd is National Walking Day!
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5 Minutes With... Thornfields Trainer Tracy Simpson

Get to know much-loved Thornfields trainer Tracy Simpson, who answers some questions about how she got started in the role of Associate, shares her favourite memories, and shows how you can do it too!
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“Try Hard”...

I recently had a chat with one of our freelance Thornfields Associates, Brooke, about a workshop she ran that nearly had all the ingredients of everyone’s favourite Christmas movie (or is it?) — “Die Hard”.
Secret Diary

Secret Diary: A year in review and hopes for 2024!

To kick off 2024, our anonymous blogger and practice manager gives their thoughts on worsening financial pressures, vaccination campaigns, and the forthcoming general election.
Dental Compliance

Dental Compliance: Mythbusting and the CQC’s 5 Key Questions - SAFE

Did you know that the CQC publish a number of ‘mythbusters’ designed to clarify exactly what they are looking for when they inspect dental practices? They debunk some popular myths, and many of them highlight the importance of compliance with policies, procedures, and training. In this article we look at the ‘safety’ key question.
Controlled Drugs

Controlled Drugs in Adult Social Care: CQC Concerns At Poor Management

In October 2023, the CQC published their 2022/23 State of Care Report, which looked at the state of health care and adult social care in England. It was a mixed picture, and although it found some excellent work in very difficult circumstances, it also identified multiple areas in which improvement was needed.
CQC Findings

CQC Findings Prompting Providers to Improve Policies and Procedures

Findings from the CQC’s 2022/23 State of Care Report which looks at the state of health care and adult social care in England highlighted a great deal of excellent care, with staff working hard to do their best in often very difficult circumstances. There were also areas requiring significant improvement, however.