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Back to Practice - My Amazing Story: Part 2

We heard in our last article about our anonymous returning Practice Manger's first week back in GP land. In this second part, she answers questions about the journey she has been on (and is still making!) and offers her hints and tips for staying sane.
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Back Into Practice: My Inspirational Story

Thornfield's Charan Sarai recently met with a former PM and friend who had left general practice and was now returning. in this first part of our 3-part series, we learn how she is getting on, and what her main hopes and fears are for the future.
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Health Benefits of Being Outside: The Power Behind The Colour Green

Sometimes when life gets too much, and you can’t see a way through, just getting outside and having a break has enormous benefits. I’m sure many of us just need some time away from the computer! Being outdoors and taking that break can offer many benefits for our mental and physical wellbeing.

5 Reasons to Invest in Practice Staff Training and Resilience

Investing in continuing professional development (CPD) for your GP Practice staff isn't just a perk, it's a strategic investment. As well as boosting staff morale, training offers a multitude of benefits for your practice, ultimately leading to improved patient care and a thriving healthcare environment. Here are five key reasons why investing in GP staff training is crucial for success:
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The closest thing we have to a wonder drug...

You may be wondering what it is…? Dr Thomas Frieden, a former director at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says it’s WALKING - and April 3rd is National Walking Day!
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“Try Hard”...

I recently had a chat with one of our freelance Thornfields Associates, Brooke, about a workshop she ran that nearly had all the ingredients of everyone’s favourite Christmas movie (or is it?) — “Die Hard”.