95% Government Funded

The Level 5 Leadership and Management apprenticeship is intended for existing and aspiring middle managers with operational/departmental responsibilities. It is designed to develop practical leadership skills and knowledge.

How does the funding work?

Management apprenticeships are fully funded through a levy scheme operated by HMRC which deducts 0.5% of annual payroll above 3 million pounds. Employers can access this fund when they employ an approved Apprenticeship provider such as ourselves to deliver the programme. Cherith Simmons can directly access the funding to pay for the apprentices’ training. Other schemes provide full funding for smaller organisations, which Cherith Simmons can access on your behalf.

Funding is currently worth £7000.00 per apprentice making the training effectively free for levy paying employers. Non levy paying employers can access 95% of the funding. However, levy payers can wire surplus levy funding to non-levy paying employers if they wish in order to make full use of their apprenticeship fund.

There are no age or length of service restrictions so apprenticeships can be used to upskill existing managers.

What is the programme content?

Level 5 Operational Management Apprenticeship issued by IFATE (Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education)

  • Optionally the ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership & Management for which an accreditation fee will be payable.
  • For apprentices working in the health sector additional accreditation may be available from AMSPAR

ILM Level 5 Award & Diploma in Leadership and Management;

The content for the award and diploma is shown below.

During the programme, learners will complete short work-based assignments designed to benchmark their skills against the qualification by applying the learning practically. Certificate participants will also complete a work based improvement report.


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