
Did you know that the CQC publish a number of ‘mythbusters’ designed to clarify exactly what they are looking for when they inspect dental practices? They debunk some popular myths, and many of them highlight the importance of compliance with policies, procedures, and training. In this article we look at the ‘safety’ key question.

In October 2023, the CQC published their 2022/23 State of Care Report, which looked at the state of health care and adult social care in England. It was a mixed picture, and although it found some excellent work in very difficult circumstances, it also identified multiple areas in which improvement was needed.

Findings from the CQC’s 2022/23 State of Care Report which looks at the state of health care and adult social care in England highlighted a great deal of excellent care, with staff working hard to do their best in often very difficult circumstances. There were also areas requiring significant improvement, however.