
Time is Money...Save Both With FPM Core

Peter Hobden explains how the FPM Core Compliance system can help you and your organisation save both time and money. 
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Helping Your Organisation Get CQC-Ready With FPM Core Compliance Software

Being CQC inspection-ready is essential for any healthcare provider committed to delivering high-quality care. Meeting the Care Quality Commission's (CQC) standards for safety, effectiveness, responsiveness, care, and leadership demonstrates compliance with regulatory requirements and dedication to patient well-being. This blog explores how our compliance software - FPM Core - can help your organisation achieve and maintain CQC readiness.
Dental Compliance

Dental Compliance: Mythbusting and the CQC’s 5 Key Questions - SAFE

Did you know that the CQC publish a number of ‘mythbusters’ designed to clarify exactly what they are looking for when they inspect dental practices? They debunk some popular myths, and many of them highlight the importance of compliance with policies, procedures, and training. In this article we look at the ‘safety’ key question.